COVID Fogging
Coronavirus Fogging Glasgow. Protecting your workplace from the outbreak of Coronavirus. Our Fogging Service is the most effective service for dealing with the Coronavirus. Fogging kills up to 99.99% of bacteria, fungi and viruses.
What is fogging?
Fogging should take place in all working, high traffic contact and communal areas. Additionally, fogging should be carried out in conjunction with what is known as touch-point cleaning. This ensures those parts of your workplace which most often come into contact with people are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, achieving FULL ROOM SANITISATION.
The following high traffic surfaces and areas are the most important ones to be cleaned: Desktops & work surfaces, Doorknobs, doorplates, handles & light switches, Computer keyboards & monitors, Telephone equipment, Furniture & chairs, Canteens including sinks & kitchens, Toilets, Water fountains & Vending machines.
What can we do to sanitize your workplace?
Studies have shown the application of disinfectants and biocides via aerosol or fogging, can significantly reduce the number of pathogens when compared to manual surface cleaning alone. Physical symptoms of being ill can often lead to increased distribution of pathogens, with a highly contagious case like Coronavirus, speed is of the essence, rapid ULV fogging and disinfection can quickly break the chain and combat the infection outbreak landing on surfaces and hard to reach places, which can lead to further spreading of viruses and bacteria.
The airborne disinfectant micro-droplets are attracted to land underneath, on top of and on the sides of surfaces, in the same way that pathogenic microbes do. By Using a ULV fogging machine, in addition to manual touch point cleaning, the disinfectant is more comprehensively delivered across all surfaces and materials, including textiles, thus ensuring a higher efficacy of disinfection.
The Process
Our staff are fully trained and wear full PPE & RPE equipment. The services we offer are; Uplift & return keys of premises & Deep cleaning & fogging.
Nobody can guarantee that their processes and chemicals are 100% effective against all bacteria, however with our experience in this area, we are uniquely placed to tackle this type of deep clean and provide some reassurance to your customers and workforce that your premises, and the equipment being used, has been adequately sanitised to use again, providing a safe living or working environment for your business and commercial premises, making it COVID SECURE.
CRYSTAL CLEAN Providing a great value, personalised service to existing and prospective customers.